Adrienne from Trylla Craft has awarded me the "Liebster" blogger award!
Liebster is a German word, meaning favorite, dearest or beloved, and the Liebster is awarded by bloggers to other, newer bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, to spread the word and help the new(er)bies gain wider recognition.
Thank you so much. Such a surprise - I feel truly honoured.
I'm now required to post some previously unknown facts about myself and also pass the award on to four other bloggers... I'm going to take some time to think this through carefully so watch out for my next post or two...
...and it seems that plodding along really does make progress!
I've finished all the stitching on the Christmas Elf Fairy. The final crosses were in Rainbow Gallery White Wisper. I've never used Wisper before and really didn't know what to expect. I've read many different opinions and find I'm still somewhat undecided myself. I'm yet to try "fluffing" the Wisper, figuring I'll wait until I finish beading, to get the final "fur cuff" effect.
I love the Kreinik #4 braid in the Christmas tree. Mixed in with the Crescent Colours variegated green, it has a lovely effect.
I've only just started the beading and I was a little worried that they might disappear on the white opal lugana but so far, I think I really like the subtle bling...

If I can stay focussed, I plan to finish the beading on this in the next night or two, then onward to Crazies five through eight! I need to order some beads though... 123stitch, here I come!
Have a fabulous stitchy weekend everybody!