For those of you who might have wondered if I did squeak in that final finish for 2012... I did it! I put in the final beads for the "L" as the fireworks went off over Sydney at midnight. I was also correct that the first thing out of the Lilybug's mouth in the morning, was, "Did you finish my L, Mama?" Needless to say, I had a very excited little bubble New Years day.

Day One, I picked up "Woodland Enchantress." I had done some work on her during the year but she is a big piece. Wall to wall stitching - not an HAED by any means but still a hefty 43 008 stitches. I'm at least an eighth of the way through it now and managed 600-odd stitches on New Years Day.
This is where I started Tuesday morning:
and by Tuesday night, this is how it looked:Wednesday morning, day two. I revisited "Train of Dreams." Now this one IS an HAED. I haven't touched it since last January but it was calling to me big time over these last few weeks. Wednesday, I answered that call and put in about 400 stitches. Mainly black but there is some navy blue in there too.
Wednesday starting point:
Wednesday, after:
Day Three, Thursday.
I pulled out the afghan I'm stitching the EMS Garden Alphabet onto. I completed the A earlier in the year and had almost finished B. Thursday, I finished the B - wasn't much to do but Thursday was a busy day. We went swimming at Manly Dam and had a picnic lunch. Ended up spending most of the day there - this holiday business really seems to eat into precious stitchy time! LOL.
Finished B, with backstitching done.
and the A and B together...
Friday, day four. Back to "O Holy Night." I love, love, love the shading in the Stoney Creek designs. The confetti this automatically creates drives me insane but in the long run, it's worth every single stitch. I hadn't touched this since that first day last year but last night, I got to spend a decent amount of time on this. The colours are just stunning!
Tonight, I'm back on Woodland Enchantress. Yes, I know this is only four, not five. I'm going to do three days on each of these four and then the final three days of the fifteen, I'm going to do solidly on my Celtic Christmas conversion. When I pick her up, she's very hard to put down and she needs a lot more thought than these four. With these, follow the chart and you can't go wrong. With the conversion, I feel like I've been thrown in the deep end, well and truly! I may need someone to call the lifeguard around the 14th of January. LOL!
Phew! I hope I haven't exhausted you with my photos. I'm off to do some more stitching.
See you all 'round :)